Ethically Manufactured in Sri Lanka – Making a difference

Coral Coast’s ‘Five- Star’ albums are ethically manufactured in Sri Lanka. Their community has grown up around the factory that was established there in 1999.  The factory has always been committed to ethical labour practices.  Many of the workers have been with the company since the business was first founded.  The Sri Lankan factory has been manufacturing Coral Coast’s Five-Star albums since the business was first established.  This has given us a long trustworthy business relationship.  We use them not only for their extremely high quality manufacturing skills but for their kind and friendly business approach, making all our business transactions enjoyable.

Coral Coast Five-Star Hand on Heart programme for 2011/2012 funded and built a toilet cubical for the community school (see before and after photos).

Purchases of the Five-Star product makes a difference to the lives of others in a country that needs help.  Sri Lankans do not want charity – they just want a chance!  Not only are the products ethically manufactured but they are also produced using the highest quality European materials and environmentally assured.

Read more about our family owned business here

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